The Weekly Meeting Pulse: Managing the Heartbeat of the Business

Once a leadership team has set their quarterly priorities and annual goals, it’s important to stay focused and working towards the shared goals for the business. The Weekly Meeting Pulse helps companies do this by providing an opportunity to ensure that everything is on track for the week, which in turn ensures that everything stays on track for the quarter.

Business coaches, or EOS Implementers™ , recommend that leadership teams implement weekly meetings, held onsite, to help teams stay focused on what’s important and to help them identify potential issues or problems that are developing. This process works by driving teams toward effective problem solving, and is the focus of the Weekly Meeting Pulse. Once the leadership team has mastered the weekly meeting process, the next step is to roll out the meetings to each department, which typically takes around three months or so to complete. Leadership team weekly meetings should be scheduled for 90 minutes, while departmental meetings are typically closer to 30 to 60 minutes.

In order to be productive, a Weekly Meeting Pulse must meet the following criteria:

  1. It must be held on the same day of each week.
  2. It must be held at the same time each week.
  3. It must use and follow the same agenda each week.
  4. It must start and end on time.

The key to successful and productive weekly meetings is to keep them consistent and to always start and end on time. Starting a weekly meeting late almost always results in less issues-solving time, which is the most important part of the meeting. Teams should aim to spend around 50% of these meetings solving issues.

To ensure that you are staying on track and maintaining a pulse on the business, be patient with the Weekly Meeting Pulse process and over time, you’ll see a notable rise in health of your team and improved communication throughout business.

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