Helping People Reach Their Full Potential through EOS

How EOS Impacts Community

On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Julie Markee, a life-long entrepreneur with 25 years of experience helping businesses improve effectiveness. Julie started her business about 11 years ago helping companies streamline processes and increase profitability. However, over time, she realized her true passion was helping people achieve their full potential. That’s when she discovered EOS and realized it was a great way to utilize her engineering background and help owners get more out of their business. Throughout the episode, Will and Julie discussed her journey and some of her client’s journeys.

From Overworking to EOS Implementer 

Early on in her career, Julie was working a weekly schedule that was not sustainable because she thought that it was necessary for her to work that hard. It wasn’t until her sister asked her when she was going to stop working so much that she realized there is more to life than just work. With the EOS Life, Julie is doing something she loves and is making a great contribution, but that doesn’t mean she can’t give herself permission to do something other than work. With EOS, it is not a matter of working harder, it’s a matter of delegating so that you can do your best work and focus on your unique ability. As a result, the most rewarding thing is when you see how EOS not only impacts the leadership team, but the employees, then the families of the employees.

“It’s just going to take off when we really start to talk about what it means to live a very fulfilling life in a way where we are using our unique abilities…we’re just fired up and excited to make our contribution to society.” Julie Markee, (8:44)

Communicating EOS to Employees

A lot of Julie’s clients found it important to explain the reasoning behind why they were implementing EOS practices. They found that communicating the methodology made the context of EOS all the more powerful because the employees realized what their impact was on their industry as a whole. Then in the industry, it doesn’t matter how big you are, it’s about just having the best people that can produce their best quality work. Communicating the ‘why’ gives every employee a reason for being there. When there are conversations about making progress towards living the EOS life, it’s impactful in developing a sense of community because it takes a certain trust for somebody to be willing to invest time, resources, and money into helping you improve.

If a company is saying their number one priority is, “We want you to live your ideal life,” it’s going to help retention significantly. Explaining what the path towards your employee’s ideal life looks like, solidifies a company’s core values. When employee’s realize that their lives also align with the company’s values, they feel like they belong in the company and they start to believe in the company’s mission.

“…one of the things that makes an EOS company work so well is because the goal is a hundred percent of the right people, people who live with those core values most of the time.” Will Crist, (15:27)

Transform Your Business Today!

For more conversations like this, check out other episodes of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, where Will Crist talks with entrepreneurs and business leaders about the life-changing effects of the EOS model. For more information on how you can transform your business, schedule a call with Will today!

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