You Don’t Have to be in Pain to Start EOS

Believe it or not, we have just finished the first quarter of 2022! As you look back over the last quarter, are you finding that you are 25% of the way towards your 1 year goals? If you are falling behind or struggling – or even if you reached your goals, but it was way harder than you wanted it to be – the Entrepreneurial Operating System offers tools and techniques to help you get back and stay on track from now on. And when you work with an implementer like me, you have someone to make sure your rewards are worthy of your hard work.

What are the 5 Points of Pain?

Even if your business is not struggling right now, it’s likely you’ve had to struggle in the past to achieve this level of stability. Most entrepreneurs know that once you break through one ceiling, you’ll eventually hit another ceiling – it’s inevitable. All businesses go through periods of evolution and revolution, hitting the ceiling at various stages throughout your business, which is why you should give EOS a try. No matter who you are or what business you run, you’ve likely experienced one of these five points of pain:

  1. People issues – Is EVERY person the right person, and do you know how to identify the right person to hire?
  2. Lack of control – Is work taking over your personal life? Do you have time to spend ‘ON’ the business, looking to the future?
  3. Not enough growth – Is all your hard work simply not gaining you any traction towards your goals?
  4. Loss of direction – Is each person empowered and able to make decisions that will take your company toward your future goals?
  5. Nothing is working – Does it feel like no matter what you try, nobody is happy and your business is stuck?

Even if you are only feeling one of these pain points, or have felt them in the past, you could benefit from the proven process that is EOS. When you run on EOS, you are strengthening the Six Key Components of your business, regularly smoking out issues to work on, keeping everyone in your business working towards the same vision, gaining real traction all with the people you love spending time with.

Are You in Pain?


Let me ask you this: Do you want your business to grow in the future? Do you think you’ll want to sell your business someday? By building a solid foundation now, you increase the value to your business and make things more stable for when you expand. If you’re considering either of these, I would encourage you to reach out sooner rather than later. You’ll get more value for your business and create a self-managing company and leadership team, which is very attractive for buyers.


You are not alone. Running a business is hard, and with so much to do, it can feel like trying one more thing will be the final nail in the coffin for your business. However, EOS is not a quick fix. It is a proven system with practical tools and proven processes that will create real impact for you and your business for years to come. As your implementer, I will use my three uniques to help you work through your issues and achieve your goals.


Sometimes, you don’t even realize that your business is in pain. As the leader or business owner, usually all of the information and communication pertaining to the business comes to you. You’re not confused or struggling, but that doesn’t mean others are not. Check in on your staff and really listen. Is everyone on the same page, is everything working as well as it could?  There might be cracks in your team or issues they’re not comfortable sharing. There are tools within your EOS Toolbox to help create a space for everyone on your team to give open and honest feedback, such as the 5-5-5 Meeting.

EOS Will Help No Matter What

Whether your business is in a good place now or you are in pain, EOS can and will help you. Often, my clients see positive change in their business after just 60 days of implementation. As your implementer, my goal is to help you and your team achieve your goals. When it comes to team health, I often think about this old African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” With your leadership team working together in addition to my help, we can relieve your pain and take your business farther than you could have imagined.

Let’s talk soon – contact me today for a free 90-minute meeting to see if EOS is right for you!



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