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The Paradox of Tools

When an entrepreneurial company gets stuck, frustration seems to pour forth from every vein. There is a lot of energy expended through hard work, but it feels like Groundhog Day,

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The Visionary Trap

In EOS-run companies, there are 2 leadership roles that must work in unison: the Visonary and the Integrator. Visionaries focus on the big picture, company culture, and client and internal

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Tools Reveal the Real Issues

Tools help us stay on point, be more efficient and effective, and get the job done. EOS Tools have an elevated purpose – they also reveal hidden issues that fester

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Looking in the Mirror

It’s amazing what we can’t see when we’re in the midst of it. The late mathematician, Kurt Godel, once wrote that you can’t be part of the system and understand

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It Takes A Mirror

Most companies and teams I meet with are missing something significant and are aware that there are gaps. There have been very few instances where I have a session and

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