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BY Dan Wallace

Business Leadership: Uncommon Courage

Uncommon CourageA couple of months ago, one of our client teams found themselves facing a difficult decision. They realized that two functions they’d always kept separate really belonged under one leader. Keeping them separate created unnecessary complexity, causing extensive debates about overlapping resources, workflow and priorities. Combining them would eliminate confusion, increase speed and quality, and make the company more responsive to its customers.

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Trust and Intent

Trust and IntentA friend of ours has backed himself into a bit of a corner. On the promise of extraordinary returns, he made an unconventional investment. The people he invested with have assured him that the investment turned out great, but more than a month later, he still hasn’t gotten a check.

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What Makes You Glow?

What Makes You GlowWe had a great moment in a recent client session. The team was working to define their Purpose, Cause or Passion. When you get that right, it gives everyone in the company a clear statement of “why we exist.” At its best, this becomes the emotional heart of the business. It’s not something most of us are trained to think about, let alone put into words, so leadership teams often struggle to get it right.

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I’m Confused

elephant indoorIn an EOS® Annual Planning session last week, one of our clients put “Fear of Conflict” and “Failure to Hold Each Other Accountable” on their Issues List. Those issues are obviously connected. Yet when it came time to solve issues, the team chose to work on just about anything but those two. They were, it turned out, afraid of the conflict they might experience if they tried to figure out why they were afraid of conflict.

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