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How to Make Your Vision a Reality

Visionaries aspirations can seem like hallucinations to their people without the proper roadmap to guide them. If you’re a Visionary, learning how to make your vision a reality involves three simple steps.

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When No One Wants the Integrator™ Seat

On The Accountability Chart, the Integrator role at times operates like the COO of a company. They provide a buffer between the Visionary and the rest of the leadership team. Integrators make sure everything is running smoothly in the business.

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Can You Teach Someone to Become a Better Leader?

Yes, you can teach someone to become a better leader. I see EOS® as a leadership development process because it forces leaders to step up and get uncomfortable. I say this with a caveat: a leader has to have the right motive. If their motive is to have power and boss people around, then they’ll never grow.

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Three Levels to Achieve Focused Leadership

Years ago, during a dinner party, both Bill Gates and Warren Buffet said that focus helped them accomplish their achievements. When the leaders of the organization focus on leading, the business thrives. But achieving focus doesn’t just happen; you have to work through three levels to achieve focused leadership.

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