A Visionary’s Superpowers

Did you know that the Visionary of a company has superpowers? The Visionary has the big ideas. They have their finger on the pulse of their industry. And they own the big relationships that move the business forward. But a Visionary’s superpowers extend beyond those roles. They own the vision and team culture that sets their company’s direction and tone.

The Necessary Superpower Ingredients

Before a Visionary can fully step into their superpowers, they need a handful of key ingredients:

  • Core values or the guiding characteristics that define their culture
  • Core Focus™ or the sweet spot for an organization’s work
  • 10-Year Target™ or the #1 long-term business goal
  • 3 Uniques™ or the characteristics that make the company different and better than its competitors

All of these are listed in the Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO). Armed with these four ingredients, a Visionary can do amazing things for their company.

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Superpower 1: Caster of the Vision for All Decisions

With a clear vision (from the V/TO®), the Visionary sets out to make sure everyone understands where they are and where they’re going. They will set the roadmap for how to achieve their 10-Year Target. Then they beat the company drum.

Visionaries ensure everyone in the company understands and aligns with their vision for its future. This way, team members throughout the organization make decisions using the company vision as a filter and how their roles bring it to life. Does an action move the company closer to that vision or not? If not, they don’t do the action.

Superpower 2: Ultimate Bestower of Accountability

The Visionary learns to let go of doing everything alone and empowers their people to hold themselves accountable for getting the job done. Visionaries create the foundation of accountability by empowering their people to take action without waiting for permission.

With a clear vision of success, leaders find objective ways to tie the company vision to individual performance. And they encourage their teams to develop those measurables, further driving engagement.

It turns out that people like knowing what’s expected of them in their roles and that they’ll be held accountable for it. And they like knowing that others will be held accountable for what is expected of them. This environment creates “sticky” employees, as in they stick around longer.

Superpower 3: Protector of Team Culture

Finally, Visionaries steer the team culture, directly impacting recruiting and retention efforts. Visionaries have to constantly imagine ways to create an environment where the right people want to work.

That’s because Visionaries look at employees as internal customers. They have to win candidates to bring them on board and then work even harder to keep them as employees. With nearly half the working population passively job searching, keeping the right people engaged and in the right seats is paramount.

Simultaneously, they want to scare away anyone who isn’t a right fit for their company. To do that, many Visionaries are part of the hiring process where they give the core values speech to candidates. As part of their discussion, Visionaries also make expectations clear for what it takes to succeed in their company.

In addition, Visionaries serve as chief executive cheerleaders, finding ways to celebrate wins during the Headlines section of their Level 10 Meetings™. Highlighting wins helps connect employee behavior to bigger business wins and drives engagement. Studies have shown that companies with actively engaged employees are 17% more productive than those whose employees just show up to collect their paychecks.

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Using Powers for Good

Visionaries bring tons of energy and drive to a business. Together with their Integrator™, they use those superpowers to make Rocket Fuel™ for their organization. When they use their superpowers for good, they become the heroes their company needs. And, as they say, not all heroes wear capes.

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