Becoming a Super Bowl-Caliber Company

The door of the Super Bowl is only open to the best teams in the NFL. Along the journey to that one chance at greatness is a long road of discipline, grit, candor, and strategic planning.

Much like the Super Bowl, business success is only enjoyed by the best companies. These companies also experience a similar journey of discipline, grit, candor, and strategic planning.

The Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) is based on fundamental principles that have been around for hundreds of years. Great businesses and great sports teams alike have mastered the fundamental principles and greatly align with the core components that EOS provides business owners and leadership teams.

Are You a Super Bowl-Caliber Company?

Are you a Super Bowl-caliber company? See how your company rates on each of these core components.


Super Bowl-caliber teams are aligned around a clear plan to get to them to the Super Bowl. They take the time to outline a strategy for the team and organization. Once the strategy is crystallized, they make sure that every member of the team is 100% aligned around that plan. The plan is shared by all—a unified team looking in the exact same direction.

Your Company:

Do you have a holistic, easy-to-understand plan?

Is everyone 100% on the same page?


Every member of the team is the right person, in the right seat. The right person shares the team’s guiding principles and overall core values. Being in the right seat means that every person fully understands their role, wants their role, and has the capacity to execute their role. The organization must be intentional on getting the best talent, with the right mindset, at all times.

Your Company:

Does your company have a clear structure, with no ambiguity at every level?

Is everyone’s function clear, from CEO to the entry-level hire?


To be a Super Bowl-caliber team, you have to measure your success. You have to eliminate personality and ego to have a true understanding of the results. Many teams allow charismatic players to hide from poor production, but not the teams that measure their results. The best teams know exactly where each player stands.

Your Company:

Numbers bring clarity. Does everyone in the company have at least one number that dictates what success looks like for them?

Does everyone understand what the goal is to be successful in their role?


The most successful teams gravitate towards issues, not away from them. They perceive issues as opportunities to grow stronger. Whether it’s a hole in the defense or miscommunication on the offensive line, the issue will get addressed. The best teams solve their own problems at all levels—it’s not all on the coach.

Your Company:

Does your company address any and all issues to remain fiercely competitive?

Is resolution taking place at all levels of the organization, not just at the top?


A Super Bowl-caliber team regularly evaluates what’s working and what isn’t working—refining the process until it gets a favorable outcome, then duplicating it. Once the process is in place, everyone from the coach to the water boy follows the process.

Your Company:

Are processes in place at your company (HR, Sales, Operations, etc.)?

Is there a clear way of doing things in your organization?


Vision without traction is hallucination. The best teams elevate the priorities needed to make a positive impact on the team, and they put heavy emphasis on executing those priorities. They have a pulse that constantly realigns the organization to achieve the results they’re after.

Your Company:

Do you know your organization’s top quarterly priorities?

Are you meeting weekly to remain aware of your company’s weekly position?

Are you a Super Bowl-caliber company, or have you settled for less than greatness year after year? If you aren’t getting what you really want out of your business, read the best-selling business book Traction and consider implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System.

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