Celebrate Your Wins: No Matter How Small

Celebrate Your Wins: No Matter How Small

Celebrating big wins for your business is common – huge new clients, a great sale, etc., but how often do you celebrate the little wins? Often, the big wins happen thanks to a bunch of smaller wins that don’t get any fanfare or acknowledgement at all. Studies show that celebrating the process and the little victories between each large victory creates better habits among your employees and strengthens the relationships between coworkers.

Now that annual season is drawing to a close, I’ve seen many of my clients crush their goals and even achieve things they weren’t planning to, which means a good deal of celebration is due for you guys! While you’re celebrating those big wins, remember to recognize the dozens or hundreds of little wins over the last year or several years to get to the place you are today.

The Science Behind Celebrating Wins

If you’re like me and many others, when you experience a victory within your business, you might simply see it as a small step towards an endless number of other tasks you need to work on. It’s common for us to focus our energy and attention towards all the things we have yet to do rather than take the time to celebrate a seemingly small accomplishment. However, as behavioral scientist B.J. Fogg explains, “celebrating small wins stimulates dopamine release in the brain, a feel-good chemical that reinforces the learning experience.”

During the EOS journey, you and I work hard to set goals, create alignment, and instill accountability. However, not all growth and change comes from practice and discipline. But when you combine positive emotions and establish a healthy team that lifts each other up, you’ll go even further. The psychological power behind even a small gesture of appreciation or recognition is greater than you think – so don’t skip it.

Not only should you as a leader take the time to honor and appreciate the small victories of your team, but your own victories as a leader. These celebrations don’t need to be over the top or take up a huge amount of your day, but some sort of small acknowledgment, sharing your appreciation with the employee and highlighting their contribution to the overall success of your business can go a long way.

Celebrating YOUR Victories

Now that I’ve emphasized the importance of celebrating your victories, it’s time to shout out to all my clients for all the progress you’ve made on your EOS journeys. Your hard work and commitment to living your full EOS life has and will continue to pay off!

Check out some of the top 2022 client stats:

  • Overall, my clients this year grew revenue between 25%-35% year-over-year (YOY), and several hit more than 50% YOY growth.
  • The highest YOY revenue growth was 92%.
  • The lowest growth rate was around 10%, which was their goal – they didn’t want rapid growth. Improvements are not always about top line revenue.
  • Organization Health also improved YOY, most clients by over 20%!
  • Several companies had Leadership Team changes, and still (or maybe because of the change) they improved their organizational health by over 20%.
  • One company added new – non family members – to their leadership team, still grew measurables by 50% and improved their team health by 24%.
  • Many of my clients report non-tangible improvements, such as:

[We have] revolutionized our ability to organize, meet, strategize, and accomplish rocks.

We were able to face any challenge with a unified mindset and really dial in on the root of our issues.

The results have made such a difference in our business that I’m even using these tools in my personal life.

I’ve never felt more at peace or confident in my business.

Gain Traction by Celebrating the Wins

In our hectic day-to-day lives as business owners and leaders, we might forget to acknowledge every little step towards a larger goal. However, it’s important to take the time to look back on where we’ve been and appreciate all our hard work. Celebrating the wins is a simple but powerful way to help avoid burnout, retain good employees, and continue to gain traction towards our goals. Stopping every once in a while in your journey to honor all you and your team has done will not slow you down – it will empower your team to keep going.

Take a moment to check out all those victories you and your team have made over the last year, both tangible and intangible.

*Pro tip: if you’re struggling to come up with them, look back at all our Quarterly & Annual check-ins. You’ve already written down your highlights for the quarter & year!

I’m looking forward to seeing what else you all accomplish in the future!

Do you know someone who didn’t crush their 2022 goals? I would love to chat with them! They can schedule a free 90-minute meeting with me to see if it’s a right fit!

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