Process Pt. 2

“Process is about doing the most important things the right and best way every time,” says Mike Paton EOS Implementer at EOS Worldwide, and co-author of Process! – How Discipline and Consistency Will Set You and Your Business Free. Leaders running their businesses on EOS® learn the simplified method for creating and documenting their core processes.

First, identify your core processes – those that are the most important things that get done repeatedly in your business. These may include your HR, sales, marketing, and customer service processes, your finance, and your operations or delivery processes.

Next, the leadership team takes ownership of writing each process using a simplified 20/80 approach. We don’t need an 800-page SOP manual. We need simplified, easy-to-teach-and-follow processes. We believe that you get 80% of the value when documenting just 20% of the process. Keep it at a high level with just the major steps in the process. Approaches include outlines, checklists, videos, and workflows – whatever works best for your employees.

Finally, the core processes are packaged up, given a title that everyone will use to refer to them, and made readily available to everyone in the business.

This is the EOS®, entrepreneurial approach to documenting your business’s core processes. It’s simple, does not take a lot of time, and increases the value of your business with improved consistency, quality, and efficiency. Next month we’ll talk about getting your processes Followed By All.

Contact me for the new Process! book from EOS:

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