So…What is EOS All About?

How did you first hear about EOS?

A lot of business leaders hear a colleague raving about it, or pick up a copy of the book Traction, or maybe you’ve been following my social media posts about EOS but aren’t really sure what it’s all about.

EOS is an incredible and comprehensive business system. It offers tools to support every critical aspect of running your business in a healthy way.

At its core, EOS makes leadership teams better at 3 things we call Vision, Traction, Healthy.

VISION: First getting the leaders of your business 100% on the same page with where the company is going and how it is going to get there.

TRACTION: Instilling focus, discipline, and accountability throughout the company so that everyone executes on that vision—every day.

HEALTHY: Helping your leaders become a more cohesive, functional, healthy leadership team.

I put together an in-depth look at what EOS is and the tools it has to offer, and you can check it out here. If you’re curious about how EOS can strengthen your company, I invite you to check it out!

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