The Proven Technique to Achieve Your Company’s 10-Year Target

When leadership teams decide what their 10-Year Target™ is, they don’t always know how they’re going to get there. They’ve set a big goal that inspires them to move forward to a whole new place. It’s exciting to aim for the target, but often there is also uncertainty. Ten years is a long time, and so much can change. It seems easy to get just slightly off-course early on and then find ten years later that you didn’t reach your goal.


In EOS, we start with the 10-Year Target and move backward incrementally to figure out what the leadership team needs to achieve along the way. Here’s how we do that.

How to Hit Your 10-Year Target

First, we determine what their 3-Year Picture™ looks like. We know if they achieve their 3-Year Picture, they’re still on-track to hit the 10-Year Target.

Next, we define their One-Year Plan, which keeps them on-track for the 3-Year Picture. Then we establish a set of Rocks to get them to the One-Year Plan. Inside the Rocks, the leadership team meets weekly in the Level 10 Meeting, where they identify weekly To-Dos to help them keep their Rocks on track.

The goal is to complete 90 percent of your To-Dos every week. Your company’s traction is rooted in these weekly To-Dos.

Handpicked related content: How to Complete 100% of Your Team’s Weekly To Dos Every Time

That’s the secret to gaining traction.

If you complete 90 percent of your To-Dos every week, it will help you to complete 80+ percent of your Rocks every quarter. If you complete 80 percent of your Rocks for four quarters in a row, you’ll achieve your One-Year Plan. If you achieve your One-Year Plan three times, you’ll achieve your 3-Year Picture. And, of course, if you achieve your 3-Year Picture three times plus one, you’ll hit your 10-Year Target.

So the secret to achieving your 10-Year Target is rooted back into completing what you’ve set out to do every day.

Need Help Completing To-Dos?

Teams that have poor To-Do completion rates also struggle to complete their Rocks, One-Year Plans, 3-Year Pictures, and 10-Year Targets. If you can’t hit your weekly goals, how will you stay on track for a year or longer?

This came up the other day with one of my clients. The leadership team has been struggling to get above a 60-percent To-Do completion rate. I prompted them to identify practical motivations to complete their To-Dos every week. If your team isn’t getting it done, you need to find a practical motivator that delivers positive rewards for completion, or negative consequences for non-completion.

This team decided to order gaudy hats for everyone that say “Not Done.” If the team doesn’t achieve 90 percent To-Do completion, anyone without completed To-Dos has to wear that goofy, obnoxious hat all day. Here are some other ideas for consequences:

Hit That Audacious Goal!

Companies running EOS are achieving their 10-Year Targets, and your business can be among them. It comes from working your way back to a 3-Year Picture, One-Year Plan, quarterly Rocks and weekly To-Dos. The things you do each day will build that bridge to your big, hairy, audacious goal ten years from now.

Need help getting your To-Dos completed? Let’s talk about how I can help your team hit your company goals.

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