The Key Ingredient of a Great Company Culture

coworkers gathered around a table for a meetingI recently proposed to implement EOS for a large business in a big city. As sometimes happens, the potential client was interviewing another EOS Implementer, as well, and each of us was aware that this company was talking to the other.

In fact, before either of us actually met with the company, we each let the other know when we had spoken to this prospect. We talked together about what he is looking for in an Implementer and how we might be able to help him. We even agreed that we should go after clients together more often because it’s fun!

The camaraderie and spirit of cooperation that exists among EOS Implementers showed in our talks with our potential client, and I could tell he found it a little puzzling. After a few interactions, I received an email from him saying, “I’m curious. It doesn’t appear that the implementers care which one we use. How was that culture developed?”

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