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Turn On the Light!

I recently completed my 400th session as a professional EOS Implementer. After 3,600 hours spent doing deep work with entrepreneurial teams, I left my last session with a revelation. Only now

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Mind the Gap

Train and subway stations often have signs that warn travelers to “mind the gap” to prevent accidents. In business, owners and Visionaries should also “mind the gap” between their expectations and reality.

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Mind the Gap

During every quarter in their EOS Journey, companies are asked to grade their prior quarter (or year) and make predictions (Rocks and Goals) about what they can accomplish in the

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Beware of Sharks

During my clients’ journeys Running on EOS™, I see many become incredibly skilled at handling their day-to-day issues. Unfortunately, some issues lurk, hidden from even the best of us. Like sharks in the water, they swim undetected and out of sight – until they bite.

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Measurables Get Zero Out of Zero Love

Years ago, I completed my initial training sessions to become a Professional EOS Implementer®. We learned about the Six Key Components™ to running a successful business. During that training, he said that measurables get zero out of zero love.

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The Chief Reminding Officer

One of the most exciting days in the EOS Journey is when the Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO) is complete, and the leadership team is 100% aligned on a common Vision for

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