Identifying the Right Candidate Using EOS® Tools

line of well dressed candidates for hire You have a great business with a unique product, great market share and good cash flow. You have a clear vision for where you want to take your business. However, without the right people, in the right seats, that vision won’t be shared by your team, you will take longer to achieve it – and even risk it not happening.

Whether you outsource some roles, or employ people direct, you can’t have a good business without good people.

A client I am working with to implement EOS® realized that the operations manager wasn’t performing, clients were unhappy and the department wasn’t functioning. They let him go, and the Integrator worked in the operations department for a quarter to help fix some of the technical issues and resolve client complaints. Then they used their HR process to find and hire the right candidate for Head of Operations.

After on-boarding him, the Scorecard revealed that the number of unresolved tickets on the help desk was increasing. The Integrator brought this to his attention and they added that measurable to the leadership Scorecard so it could be tracked and managed. Subsequently the number is now back on track and that part of the operations department is functioning well.

EOS Tools and the People Component

Using the tools in the People Component™ of EOS ensures that your people match your core values, understand their roles and responsibilities, and the structure of the business.

The key EOS tools are:

  • The Accountability Chart, which defines the structure, roles and responsibilities which you need to help your business grow.
  • The People Analyzer™, which enables you to find out if your team members – and candidates – are right for your business by evaluating whether each one meets and matches your core values.
  • This includes GWC, determining whether each person’s skillset matches the role – the person G = Gets it, W = Wants it and C = has the Capacity to do the job.

The beauty of using these tools is that together they drive accountability and everyone understands how departments function together.

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