8 Steps to Capture Better Customer Testimonials

Boosting One Small, Powerful Part of Your L10 Meetings: Get Customer Testimonials

The fourth agenda item on the EOS Level 10 Meeting Agenda is called Customer / Employee Headlines (C/EH). The C/EH provides an opportunity for the team pause to share both good and bad news about customers and employees. It tends to be a time to celebrate the good stuff and occasionally do some after action review of something gone awry.

Rich in Customer Testimonials

The Customer / Employee Headlines agenda item is rich in customer testimonial opportunities. As such, I encourage my clients to be vigilant about listening for testimonial “gold.” I encourage them to create “To Do’s” to fully capture and promote the positive customer experience mentioned during C/EH.

Customer Testimonial Capture and Promotion Process

The process for capturing the testimonials and promoting them is quite simple and straightforward.

  1. To Do – Assign a to do to the appropriate leadership team member to ensure that the right person captures it and follows up.
  2. Draft Testimonial – Provide sample language for the testimonial based upon the conversation in the Level 10 Meeting.
  3. Customer Approval – Obtain customer approval for use of the testimonial, if necessary. Often times my customers literally email or SMS me their feedback and I run with it.
  4. Website – Add the testimonial to your website. (Sample Testimonials)
  5. Blog Post – Add a blog post referencing the customer experience. I categorize mine under the tag “Customer Headline.”
  6. Social Media – Share an update to Twitter, LinkedIn, facebook, and Google+.
  7. LinkedIn Recommendation – Request a LinkedIn Recommendation from the customer.
  8. Referability Habits – Don’t forget to thank the customer for their kind words and ask them for referrals.

The Customer and Employee Headlines agenda item’s purpose is primarily to keep the leadership team aligned and informed. Thus, adding the Customer Testimonial Capture and Promotion Process the Level 10 Meeting Agenda makes it doubly useful. The process helps to further focus your team on being Healthy, gaining Traction and achieving your Vision.

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