The Quarterly Meeting Pulse: Keeping Your Team On Track

Creating a “90-Day World” for the business that supports the vision and keeps leadership teams on track is critical to long-term success, yet it’s something that many organizations haven’t learned. The 90-Day World concept is based on the belief that human beings will stumble, get off track and lose focus approximately every 90 days. Business coaches and EOS Implementers™ find that it’s common for leadership teams and others to come out of a big meeting feeling accomplished and prepared to complete the next challenges at hand. They have clearly defined goals and responsibilities and have a renewed laser focus on the organization. Fast-forward to 90 days later and business owners begin to notice that the leadership team is starting to wander off track, making it difficult to get on the same page about even the smallest issues. This is a normal cycle in life and in business, but implementing the Quarterly Meeting Pulse can help overcome these challenges and get everyone back on track.

The Quarterly Meeting Pulse works like this:

Who: The leadership team

Where: Offsite

Duration: 6-8 hours

Frequency: Every 90 days

Pre-work: Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) completed (everyone brings their issues and proposed priorities for the upcoming quarter to the table).

No matter how big or how small an organization is, having quarterly meetings and aligning the leadership team on a regular basis can help prevent fragmentation and keep everyone on the same page. When leadership teams get too far away from their goals and start to lose traction on the business, they can also start to lose great people and will begin to lose sight of the vision. By taking all issues offsite once a quarter, leadership teams will become stronger and more efficient throughout the year.

In the next post, we will review the Quarterly Meeting agenda.

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