3 Ways to Supercharge Your Annual Planning

It’s that time again where we start thinking about annual planning for next year. Before becoming a Professional EOS Implementer, I used to work in corporate strategy helping small businesses develop massive, 40-page strategic plan documents. We’d have several brainstorming meetings, write tons of pages that would be reviewed and wordsmithed by tons of people until it was finally presented. Then all that work, which cost those businesses tons of time and money, would be put in a binder and never looked at again until next year’s planning session where they would remember all the things they had hoped to do this year and hadn’t done. Then we started the whole process over.

The reality is, those organizations hadn’t bought into the plan and they weren’t held accountable on a regular basis to achieve that plan. This rarely had them achieving the results they had hoped for. 

Looking back at that time, I wish I knew what I know now. Using EOS, the tools, processes, and disciplines, I help my clients develop a plan that gets them 100% aligned in their vision, gets everyone on their team executing the plan, and ensures they have people who are the right fit. And it only takes 6% of their time and at a much lower cost. 

Here are 3 ways that the EOS Process can help you supercharge your annual planning:


1. Become 100% Aligned in Your Vision

Would everyone on your leadership team give the same answer to the question: “What is the purpose of your company?” If the answer is no, then your team isn’t aligned in what your vision is which can cause confusion and lack of direction in your whole organization.  The EOS Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO) is a powerful tool designed to help you simplify your strategic planning process that helps you create a clearly defined vision. This vision can be shared and understood by everyone in your organization so that every person knows exactly where you’re going.

2. Gain More Traction

Annual planning isn’t just about getting aligned on vision. You have to make it happen! This is where most organizations fail in their annual planning– they don’t execute. So how do you get every employee laser-focused on executing towards your vision? You need what I call, Traction. Traction helps your team become accountable in executing consistently to achieve every piece of your vision. The V/TO Tool includes a plan on how you can make your vision a reality and, as your EOS Implementer, I will be there every step of the way to hold you accountable. 

3. Build a Healthy Team

The third piece you need to have a successful annual plan is people. It takes more than a big goal or set process to follow. You need to have the right people that fit your culture and fit their role. The annual planning session is the perfect time to evaluate your team and organization to refocus on how you can build a healthy, functional team.  The EOS People Analyzer and The GWC are tools that can help you in determining how well someone fits your organization and determine if they are in the right role. Without the right people working together in a safe and collaborative culture, you will struggle to gain the traction needed to achieve your vision. 

Make this the year you get results

EOS uses simple tools, but the power comes from that simplicity and the proven process that can help you achieve the goals you’ve been trying to achieve for years. As an EOS Implementer, I will be with you every step of your EOS journey from annual planning to quarterly sessions to keep you on track with your plan.  Want to crush 2021? Let’s take your annual plan to the next level and get real results for your company. Connect with me today to learn more! 



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