Birds in a Big-Box Store . . . Who You Gonna Call?

I had the pleasure of working with the leadership team from Meridian Wildlife Services last week and learning about their business and humane bird capturing techniques. If you have a bird in your store, call Meridian Wildlife at +1(877) 680-7143.

The Problem

The presence of these birds in your store can cause damage to property, and their droppings may create unpleasant odors. Bird droppings can ruin painted surfaces and cause electrical equipment to malfunction. Birds may carry diseases, which are capable of infecting humans.

Public Relations

If there is any hint that birds are being harmed, it is likely to draw unwanted considerable criticism from individuals, special interest groups, and the media. Therefore, if you have a birds in a big-box store, you should make your bird control efforts as humane and discreet as possible.

Big Box Stores

Home Depot and Lowe’s Cos., which operates about 1,200 Lowe’s Home Improvement stores in 49 states, have implemented ‘no kill’ policies in response to customers’ concerns . . . Home Depot and Lowe’s say the preferred method is to catch birds with nets, usually strung between beams, and then to place them in cages to be released outside. Birds of a Feather Flock Together in Big-Box Stores’ The Boston Globe

The Solution

If you have birds in your big-box store, call the experts at Meridian Wildlife. They have a process for humanely capturing an errant bird during store hours without disrupting the flow of your normal shoppers.

Gotta bird in the store? Who you gonna call?

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