EOS: Where to Begin?

So you’ve discovered EOS, you love it, and want to do it – but how? Many business leaders will finish reading Traction and come away full of ideas and motivated to begin, but when it comes to actually implementing their ideas, they have no idea how to start. That’s what I’m here for!

Teacher, Facilitator, Coach

The uncertainty of where to begin something new can often cause us to not begin them at all. That’s why I became an EOS Implementer – to function as your teacher, facilitator, and coach. Every day I get the opportunity to help business owners & their leadership team implement EOS. This allows me to see the common problems and stumbling blocks that can prevent your business from gaining any traction towards real success. I will teach you and your team practical tools, help facilitate different answers to arrive at one common answer, and coach you to be accountable and get more out of yourself and your business.

he EOS Proven Process

When you self-implement EOS, you start by reading Traction, and then you are left alone to try and integrate all the strategies in your Toolbox while trying to run your business at the same time. While this may be enough for some businesses, others may self-implement EOS for months and even years with limited success or changes in their business – until they chose to work with a Professional EOS Implementer like me. We are trained experts in teaching business leaders how to correctly and completely use the tools and techniques EOS has to offer. Our proven process is the way we pull all the pieces together to strengthen each key component of your business. When you start EOS with a professional implementer, you and your leadership team will have someone to guide you through your EOS journey:

90 Minute Meeting: This introductory meeting is led by your implementer and is a way for your leadership team to get to know EOS and decide if it is a good fit for your company.

Focus Day: A day where your leadership team is given tools to determine who is responsible for what, establish priorities, improve communication, and resolve issues.

Vision Building Day 1 & 2: These 2 days are intentionally spaced 30 days apart. The whole day sessions are spent with your leadership team, starting by reviewing Focus Day tools and utilizing your Vision/Traction Organizer, and ending by completing your vision and setting 3-year picture, 1-year plan, and 90 day rocks for your business.

By the end of these sessions, around the 60-day mark, you will have mastered the EOS Foundational tools and your leadership team will be 100% aligned on the vision for your company and have a plan to go make it happen

From there, we move into the Execution phase! This is where I am most useful, by helping you and your team to get the most out of your EOS tools, continuing to apply them and finish learning the remaining 20 EOS tools I have to teach you.

Quarterly Sessions: Sessions that occur every quarter or 90-days to evaluate your performances, resolve those key issues holding you back, and refocus on priorities that will help achieve measurable growth towards your 1-year plan and 3-year picture.

Annual Sessions: Two full days with your leadership team to work on team health and ensure the leadership team is still aligned towards your vision, updating it where necessary and setting your company up for an amazing year.

So What’s the Best Way to Start EOS? Decide What Works For Your Business. 

Many people will stop trying EOS before they have even truly begun, even though the ideas, answers, and solutions are all right there – they just need someone who can help them realize it. While self-implementing is right for some, working with a real person who can provide you and your team with personalized advice, consistent accountability, and help staying focused. That’s exactly what people like Wendy and her leadership team needed to see real change in their company:

“What we accomplished in one day with Barb would have taken us months on our own to get just a fraction of this accomplished. We have more clarity, direction and alignment now, setting us up for future success.”

Wendy is not alone. My clients often see positive changes in their business within just 60 days of implementation. Once you start working with an implementer, you will have someone in your corner to guide you to success on your EOS journey.

Schedule your first 90-minute meeting today to learn how to start and follow through with EOS!



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