Fall In Love with EOS: The 90-Minute Meeting

When I talk to people considering implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System into their business or organization, there can be a lot of hesitation before they make the leap of faith to do it. Some of the things I typically hear are:

  • What even is EOS?
  • How do I know if EOS will work for me?
  • I need to change some things in my business before I implement EOS.
  • What does it need from me to be successful?
  • I’m too busy to add one more thing to my plate.
  • I don’t want to waste your time, Barb.

My reply? It is never a waste of time. If you think it could be of interest to you and your leadership team, I’m happy to give you my time to share about EOS. And that is also why the EOS Process starts off with a free, introductory 90-Minute Meeting meant to help you get the answers to all of your questions about EOS and exactly what it would look like to work with me as your EOS Implementer so that you can start to fall in love with the process.

What is the 90 Minute Meeting?

The 90-Minute Meeting is the first step in the EOS Process where you and your leadership team get to sit down with an EOS Implementer like me and really get to know one another. I’ll introduce you to EOS, the tools and processes, while you’ll tell me more about your organization.

What do YOU get out of it?

The main thing you will get out of your 90-Minute Meeting is a ton of information and valuable tools you can start using in your business. During this meeting, you will get the rundown of what EOS is, how and why the process works, and be introduced to the tools and resources EOS uses to help you along the way. By the end of the meeting, it is my goal as an EOS Implementer to have you walk away being able to confidently say that you learned:

  • How to get everyone on your team 100% on the same page about where the organization is going and how we will get there.
  • Identify what tools you can use to determine if you have the right people in the right seats.
  • Learn how to CONSISTENTLY resolve your issues for good.
  • Organize your business and goals to make them more actionable and achievable.
  • Start building a healthy and strong company culture based on trust and open communication.
  • How to instill discipline and accountability into your organization so you’re always working toward your vision.
  • Whether or not EOS is the right fit for you.

And what do you have to lose?  90 minutes of your time?  You will still gain real, practical tools you can use for your business.  So, if you’re on the fence, really, the best way to decide if you should do the 90-minute meeting, is to do the 90-Minute Meeting.  The biggest regret I hear from people AFTER is that they wished they had not waited so long to get started, because most people don’t know they need it until after they have done it.

What do I get out of it?

Not only is the 90-Minute Meeting a chance for you to get to know me and EOS better, but it is also a chance for me to learn more about you and your business. During our time together, I’ll learn why you are considering implementing EOS, what the major pain points in your business are and what you expect EOS to do for you and your organization. Understanding these things will give me a clear vision of whether or not EOS is the right fit to help you.

Is EOS the Right Fit for You?

By the end of the 90 minutes, we should both have a clear answer: Is EOS the right fit for your organization? In EOS, we live in the world of open and honest. That’s where the best transformations happen. And there is no better time than the present to understand and discuss any remaining concerns or questions you might have. EOS isn’t always for everybody and I’m here to help you make the right decision for your business, regardless of what the answer may be.

If you’re ready to start falling in love with EOS, let’s connect and get your free, virtual, or in-person 90-Minute Meeting on the calendar!



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Request a FREE 90 Minute Meeting with me and let me show you how EOS can eliminate common business frustrations, or just contact me with any questions.

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