Got People Issues?

I often hear people say, “I took this job because I can’t stand working with people.”

News flash, if there is more than one person working in or on the organization it means that you have to work with people. It’s fair to acknowledge that the person sharing their disdain for people was successful in eliminating as much human interaction as possible. But what they can’t escape is that people will affect them one way or another.

Even in the most isolated of positions, there is an array of impact received from other people: the decision on the type of time clock, checks received in email or paper form, leave policies, scheduling, announcements, reporting on CRM’s, process flow, and on and on and on.

It’s inevitable, there will come a point where you have to deal with people issues.

What Are Some Common People Issues Organizations Run Into?

Leadership teams and managers have no choice but to navigate the waters of persistent human energy. Issues will arise, and you will have to face them.

The top five people issues I notice from my clients today are:

  • “No one is accountable around here.”
  • “We have trouble retaining people.”
  • “Recruiting is a struggle.”
  • “Some people have great talent, but are killing our culture.”
  • “Some people are great for my culture, but lack the talent to deliver results.”

The Tools in EOS® that Can Help Fix Your People Issues

Below, I have listed some of the key tools that thousands of companies are using to manage their human energy. The tools are simple, effective, and intended to give you a clear way to operate your organization. Think through each of these and how you can use it to help eliminate your people issues.

  1. Accountability Chart – Know the who and the what for people.

By using an Accountability Chart, you will understand exactly who in the organization owns what roles and responsibilities, down to the most recent hire. This way, when issues arise, it is clear who is ultimately accountable for that issue. This will reduce confusion with accountability lanes, and it will minimize organizational ambiguity.

  1. Rocks – Put some attention on your biggest people issues with some 90-day focus.

Rocks are made to help your organization’s ability to focus on a handful of important priorities every 90 days. Before my clients began using EOS Tools, many would get lost in their day to day tasks and interruptions, ignoring bigger priorities that needed to get done to improve their business position.

Now, my clients that had big people issues have Rocks that result in retention plans, employee feedback and engagement programs, recruiting processes, performance reviews, and overall improvement with people focus.

  1. Issues List – Let’s start talking about it.

With the Issues List you can have a more transparent organization that allows people to express their frustrations, issues, and opportunities. The Issues List empowers employees, allowing them to identify, discuss, and solve their own issues. Having an Issues List will help you understand the true condition of your organization, and it will give your people a platform to have a voice.

  1. People Analyzer, Core Values and GWC×72/2122.png – See who is and who is not a match.

You can use this simple tool to evaluate individuals based on your culture and job function performance. The more people you have that match your core values, the stronger your culture and your ability to attract like-minded individuals. By using GWC (Do they: Get it? Want it? Have the Capacity?) you will become aware of potential gaps or misplaced employees in your organization.

  1. Scorecard – Eliminate smoke and mirrors and measure your people.

With Scorecard you can use data to tell the story of your employee’s performance. By giving goals for each measurable you’ve assigned, you can have a snapshot of that individual’s ability to succeed in their function on a weekly basis. This tool eliminates egos and personalities and lets the data do the talking. If you have People Issues, measure your expectations: available openings, job description reposts, employee engagement scores, turnover, sick days, and thousands more!

  1. Level 10 Meeting×72/2122.png Clear communication for all.

The purpose of a Level 10 Meeting is to have purposeful communication in your organization. These meetings will increase traction, accountability, communication, team health, and results.

  1. V/TO×72/2122.png or Vision/Traction Organizer×72/2122.png – Know where you’re going.

With the V/TO you will have a 2-page strategic plan that will align your organization around one plan. By answering eight simple questions, you can begin aligning all of your employees. Then, you can get them rowing in the same direction with cadence and purpose.

Got People Issues? Now you have the tools to solve them.

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