Identify & Clarify Your 3 Uniques

As a Professional EOS Implementer, not only do I help others implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System—I also run my own business, and life, on it as well! It’s one of the things that makes me unique and why my clients want to work with me. In EOS, when helping businesses create their marketing strategy, we identify what EOS calls their Three Uniques. These are the three things that make them different and better from other businesses. It is why customers want to work with them and how they stand out in the crowd of competitors.

How Can Your 3 Uniques Help Your Business?

For a business, identifying your Three Uniques helps to bring focus to all aspects of your business. These are the common thread throughout your sales and marketing, ensuring that we are consistently sharing them with everyone to attract the right audience to you. When everyone in the organization knows your Three Uniques (and that might mean telling them 7 times until they get it) all of your employees, especially those in sales and marketing, know exactly what they should be saying when talking to your target audience to help customers realize you are the exact right company for them.

I’ve seen this over and over again with my clients. After clearly defining their Three Uniques, getting the leadership team 100% aligned on them, and getting them out into the marketplace it creates impactful results for their business pipeline.

My Three Uniques

Because I run my own business on EOS, I am also working to clearly define my three uniques and what makes me different from other business coaches out there. Here’s what I got so far, and I would love your feedback and opinions!

1. I am a Pure EOS Implementer that teaches you Vision, Traction & Healthy

I am not your average business coach. I won’t give you quick fixes to solve your issues and I don’t bring in a bunch of different ideologies, approaches or theories. I don’t have too, because EOS is a proven process. I have experienced for myself what EOS is capable of when done purely, helping me grow my own business. So that’s what I do. I am a pure EOS Implementer, working with business leadership teams to teach them one proven EOS Process and 20 simple tools that will absolutely help them achieve VISION, TRACTION and HEALTHY.

2. I have 20+ years and counting of diverse experience working with leadership teams

Even before I became a Professional EOS Implementer, I spent 20+ years working across multiple industries (manufacturing, services, technology, accounting, healthcare, retail) within almost every area of business from the owner and executive director to sales, operations, IT, strategy and customer experience. I’ve worked with leadership teams, coached them and their teams through business transformation, strategic planning and merger integration.  Some of the results my clients have seen so far are:

And, I am still learning, always keeping an eye out for patterns and challenges others are facing and sharing those insights with my clients. I provide an extra lens for helping them solve issues, introducing things they need to consider and stretching their thinking when working through business challenges.

3. I Give Leaders the Tough Love they Need to Succeed

My ultimate goal, my true passion, is to help my clients achieve their desired results.  But let’s be real, what works for one person doesn’t work for the next.  I strive to always be the coach my clients need at that moment and tailor my approach to fit what is best for them. I give leaders the tough love they need to be successful and the shoulder to lean on when they need to work through an issue. I will always be fair, direct and honest. We will enter that uncomfortable zone. Driving results by applying the right level of pressure, guidance and support throughout the journey. There are times it will be hard, and times you might want to give up, but I will be there helping you every step of the way. Helping you get the results you deserve in order to get you closer to achieving your vision.

Are You Looking for an EOS Implementer? Let’s Connect!

My Three Uniques are what separates me from other business coaches out there. If you’re looking for an EOS Implementer to help you get started on EOS Implementation, you need to find an implementer who is the right fit for you. If what I said above resonated with you, let’s set up a time to connect and see if I’m the right EOS Implementer for you and your team.




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