Volunteers – 5 Essential Qualities

VolunteerYesterday, September 8th marked the 4th year of the Sub-5 Ride for Parkinson’s Research. The event challenges cyclists to complete 100 miles in less than 5 hours while raising funds for Parkinson’s research. On Sunday over 300 cyclists departed Hampshire High School at 7:30 am. This group of cyclists collectively logged over a half million training miles and raised over $100,000. But that’s only half the story. Selfless volunteers account for the other half.

Volunteers work behind the scenes. They’re not paid, recognized, rewarded and seldom even thanked. Why do they do it? What motivates them? Why would a volunteer give up a Saturday to sweep corners and mark a 100 mile course? Why would he monitor an intersection for 6 hours to ensure cyclist’s safety? Why would she spend her evenings in meetings and make countless phone calls? Here are 5 key qualities that I’ve observed about outstanding volunteers:

  1. Committed to the cause;
  2. Bring positive energy;
  3. Willing to be held accountable by their peers;
  4. Do the hard work;
  5. Get things done.

When it’s all said and done (with these volunteers), more is done than said. And the volunteers say to themselves, “never have so few done so much for so many with so little”.

Many of us baby boomers will hopefully live into our 80’s. How will you spend the next twenty years? Make a difference. Volunteer for a cause that matters to you.

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