Don’t Confuse Blame With Accountability

Accountability is a basic tenet of EOS®. It’s essential to clarify who is responsible for what, top to bottom.

One of the challenges when creating a culture of accountability is to coach managers not to mistake blame for accountability. They are not the same.

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What If You’re Not the Right Person to Run Your Company?

“I’m not sure I’m the right person to run this company.”

As I started the EOS® process with a marketing agency, the CEO told his leadership team that he wasn’t sure that he was the right person to run the business. He gave everyone full permission to speak up at any time during their exercise if they thought he wasn’t the right person.

are-you-right-person.jpgIt was clear that he was anxious. He wanted to do the right thing for the team and the business, and he didn’t want any elephants in the room.

This CEO was unusual—not because of his doubts, but because of his honesty.

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Clarify First, Then Commit

Fostering commitment within an organization is a major responsibility for all leaders. Without commitment to a clear vision, there’s simply not enough determination to achieve great things.

One subtle “gotcha” is when you think the vision your people should commit to is clear, but it isn’t clear to them! Commitment builds enthusiasm, but what good is that commitment, if it’s not clearly focused towards a common goal?

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Solving a People Issue is Scary – But It’s Worth It!

The leaders of companies running on EOS® learn to look at their business through the lens of the Six Key Components™ (as illustrated by the EOS Model™). This is important because the root cause of a company’s issues is weakness in the Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process or Traction Component™. Solving issues at the root (rather than treating symptoms) makes them go away forever.

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Why Millennials Will Love EOS® – Part 2

In Why Millennials Will Love EOS® – Part 1 we said that millennials, who were raised in a different time than we Boomers and Gen-Xers, think differently. They have very specific expectations for information and for their work environments. TheVision/Traction Organizer™ and the Accountability Chart provide the vision, big picture, and culture that millennials need to understand and to be engaged.

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Why Millennials Will Love EOS® – Part 1

The impact these 76 million people born between 1980 – 2002 will have on the workforce is well-documented. Stereotypes aside, their numbers, creativity, passion and knack for technology make them a critical asset to any organization. However, they do think differently than we Baby-Boomer owners and many Gen-X leaders and managers.

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