Partnership Rules of the Game™

“What, I can be fired?!” I’ve heard this from owners more times than I can count. However, I’ve only heard it once when working with my Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) clients. If someone asks this question in a session, we quickly look at the Partnership Rules of the Game.

Three Reasons to Celebrate Team Wins

My favorite hockey team was down by four goals. Suddenly, they put together an offensive rush and scored a goal. The team celebrated. I fumed. How dare they celebrate a goal when they still had so much work to do? Then I realized this backward thinking could quickly kill the culture in any organization. In fact, I immediately thought of three reasons to celebrate team wins.

Playing the Scales to EOS® Mastery

When someone just begins learning to play a musical instrument, they spend a lot of time doing scale exercises. They practice ascending from the lowest note to the highest note and descending back from highest to lowest. The exercises help budding musicians learn the proper ways to use their instruments.

Answering These Eight Questions Help Family Businesses in Small Towns Thrive

Anytime someone works in a business experiencing problems, they experience stress. When family members work together, they deal with added layers of stress. When working in a business together, they need a simple way to talk about these complicated stressors. Enter the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™). I’ve seen how using the V/TO helps family businesses in small towns overcome these difficult scenarios and thrive.


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