Opportunities to Be Extraordinary – Part 1

Recently, my wife and I took two of our grandchildren, ages 4 and 3, off on a short getaway to enjoy some time together. As we arose in our hotel room before 8 on our final morning and started to get ready to head down for our complementary breakfasts, the lights in part of our room went out. When I stepped into the hallway, the emergency lights were on and my wife could smell smoke. Shortly thereafter, fire alarms were blaring and we were exiting down the back stairway.

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Two Short and Sweet High-Impact Tools

master sculptor

As we pass the halfway point of the year, it’s vital to make sure everything is on track and that you’re well positioned to finish the year strong. Please do a detailed review of your annual goals (ideally with your leadership team) to make sure all of your goals are on track and at least 50 percent complete.

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Hire Slow, Fire Fast

When we first met, one of my clients was struggling with significant turnover. They had been operating with the mentality of hiring fast and firing fast. Whenever they had an opening, they hired as fast as they could to fill the void. After all, they had customer orders to fulfill and they needed people in place to do it. The problem was that not everyone was the right person for their company—they really didn’t share the company core values or fit into the culture.

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Why Visionaries Need Integrators

For the last fifteen years, I’ve been teaching a discovery regarding the two vital roles at the top of most great entrepreneurial businesses. These roles are called the Visionary and Integrator. The fact is that every true Visionary needs to be counter-balanced with a great Integrator if he or she wants his or her vision to be fully realized.

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Why You Need a Clarity Break

I’ve been writing these Clarity Break Thoughts (aka passionate pleas) for about eight years now. They’re called Clarity Break Thoughts because the idea is to give you something to ponder during your next Clarity Break that will help you get more of what you want from your business.

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Good Turnover, Bad Turnover

At EOS Worldwide, we’re helping a lot of companies do great things, and we greatly appreciate the reason—your support and belief in EOS. With so many companies implementing EOS, that leads to the topic of this Clarity Break. Its purpose is to help you head off a psychological barrier that might be holding you back as you implement tools to help your company grow to the next level.

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