Everyone Has a Number

Employees perform most of the activities that, if measured, are usually leading indicators of future outcomes. You can’t know how well your business is doing without understanding how well the people in your business are doing. When you spend more time focused on leading indicators you’ll spend less time (after the fact) pouring over income statements and analyzing trailing indicators.

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What the Heck is a State of the Company?

Although not as glamorous as the President’s annual address to Congress, a State of the Company address is no less important. Delivered regularly to the workforce by your Visionary or Integrator, the SOCA is a critical part of sharing with everyone your vision and your plan to achieve it.

What the Heck is a Core Values Speech?

Once your leadership team discovers your company’s Core Values, it’s time to start using them to lay the foundation of your organization’s culture. To do that, you must have a compelling Core Values Speech.

How EOS Can Make Your Succession Planning a Success

How does a company successfully transition from one generation to the next? For many teams, just the term “succession planning” can be overwhelming. All the details of buying/selling and ownership transition are daunting, but beyond all that is one question plaguing business owners: “Even if we had all the legal details worked out, how does my business practically transition to the new ownership so that I can step away?”

Here’s the story of one team that successfully transitioned to new ownership within the EOS Process™.

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