Welcome New EOS Visionary: Mark O’Donnell

We are excited to announce EOS’s next visionary, Mark O’Donnell.
Mark is a Certified EOS Implementer® and EOS® Worldwide Head Coach, having joined the EOS Implementer Community™ in August 2014. As part of the visionary search, he was the top choice out of 2,500 candidates from both inside and outside the Community.

Building A Legacy Over Time


Bonfire Engineering and Consulting is a network and technology services organization located in Denver, CO.

Like most entrepreneurial companies, Bonfire Engineering and Construction has high aspirations both in purpose and in product.

They believe all Americans should have access to high-speed internet that will drive economic health and vitality of their communities by increasing job opportunities, improving education, and making healthcare more accessible.

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The Bottleneck is Always at the Top

bottleneck in business

bottleneck in business

Bottleneck, logjam, impasse, run aground – there are lots of ways to say that things are not moving forward – you’re stuck.

We’ve all been there, and once you realize it’s happened, you immediately start looking for ways to get UN-stuck.

While there are many ways that organizations get stuck, it is often the result of an organization outgrowing whatever systems, resources, or people that brought them to where they are. Implementing EOS® helps you gain traction so you can begin moving forward again, allowing you to get what you want from your business.

At a recent gathering of the EOS Implementer Community™ one of my fellow Implementers shared this quote that may help you figure out where to start:

“Have you ever noticed that the bottleneck is always at the top of the bottle?”

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5 Tips for Building Out Your Accountability Chart

Building Out Your Accountability Chart

One of the first things an EOS Implementer® does when working with clients is to determine the right structure for the organization using the Accountability Chart.

While this can be a straightforward exercise for your leadership team, some of your team members may have difficulty when it’s time to build out the Accountability Chart for their own departments.

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