Eenie Meenie Miney Moe, Where Does This Owner Go?

When you have two owners, how do you decide which is the Visionary and which is the Integrator? Short of playing eenie-meenie-miney-moe or rocks-paper-scissors, who “gets” which seat? Here’s the great news: it’s simple, and EOS® can help!

People Component® Roundup: 5 Posts to Move You Towards 100% Strong

People Component

Strong Organization

While many entrepreneurs would agree that it takes “good people” to run a successful organization, exactly what does “good people” mean?

For starters, they’re employees who share your core values. They’re a good fit for your organization and your organization is a good fit for them. They have the talent, skills, and experience to excel at something that’s critical to your business.

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Achieving 100% Rock Completion Is Possible

During sessions with my clients, setting Rocks is a pivotal practice for guiding organizations toward completing their quarterly goals/priorities. However, the challenge doesn’t end with setting Rocks; the real test is in completing them. Achieving 100% Rock completion is possible, I promise.

Are You Making Decisions Out of Love or Fear?

As leaders, we make substantially more decisions than most, and I’ve come to realize that many of our decisions are made out of fear. The root of that fear is now clear, which I will uncover in a moment. First, I’d like to create a little context.Over the last 30 years, I have created five pieces of content to help driven leaders get everything they want out of their professional and personal lives…

Finding Connection and Growth in Family Business

When you’re a part of the ownership or leadership groups of a family business, networking can feel lonely. As a business owner and leader, the weight of guiding the growth, communication, and accountability of your business – and your family – rests on your shoulders. You must continue to develop professionally so you don’t become the limiting factor in your family business’s success.

Creating a Culture of Abundance and Love

Creating a culture of abundance and love isn’t as hokey as it sounds. Instead, it’s one of the key starting points to a successful business. In my experience, if you don’t have a healthy team culture, you’ll struggle to get everything you want out of your business. 


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